Wednesday, March 18, 2015

it's all relative

I'm happy to say that this week is FAR better than last week.... it's funny how your perspective changes after things spiral a bit. Symptoms that were driving me crazy before are a piece a cake now, and I'm not so afraid of herxing anymore! The antibiotics that Anne put me on for C Diff helped me almost immediately... so we are only to assume that is what it was. I have a happy belly! Yay! We are treating it for one more week, and after that, perhaps pulse it every few days to take care of any remaining spores. The only downside (besides the horrid bitter taste of the pill) is that I'm herxing a bit, but it's tolerable. Neck aches, a few muscle cramps, a few little headaches here and there, and a sleepy, fuzzy, forgetful, and flighty mind (I think that's my least favorite- it makes it hard to drive, write, cook, or do practically anything). On Monday I had a magnesium IV treatment that we figured would help, but it knocked me out-- Anne thinks that after trying to hold on so tightly to some semblance of normalcy, that my body was simply giving in, and I tend to think she's right, for yesterday, I had more energy and less pain. And today is off to a good start as well. This springtime weather is certainly helping! I have another treatment next week, and it's early enough I can just come home and sleep for a while if need be. In the meantime, this episode of C Diff has put me at higher risk for getting it again, and many wind up in the hospital with it. So we'll have to be careful when we restart the lyme treatment. I feel very lucky to have a doc who is truly present, accessible, and on top of things.

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