Thursday, September 17, 2015

quick lil' update...

I don't want to spend any good amount of time posting about this...  frankly, it makes me feel discombulated in ways that make me seriously want to play Wordbrain and do crossword puzzles all day long, so that I don't have to use the emotional part of my brain! But I wanted to share, for those who are interested. 

I will be having my gall bladder taken out next Thursday, the 24th. The goal is to do a laparoscopy, and if all goes well, I should be able to go home the same day and recovery won’t be so bad. The surgeon did warn me, however, that because I put this off for so long (she referred to the gall bladder attacks I had back in college), and my gall bladder is SO full of stones, I may fit into the 5% who need a bigger incision (ugh!), and that would require a couple of days in the hospital and a much longer and more painful recovery. Sigh. 

I’m trying not to freak out, but I’m not gonna lie… it’s all sinking in, and I’m a bit stirred up.  I've only had one major surgery (a c-section), and that was a whole different thing...  I would up with a baby at the end of it. I imagine that as things sink in further, it will be necessary to ask for help with the kids and with food...  but I'm just not ready to go there right now.  

That being said, I also have to remind myself that I am not the "average American" as far as health and diet goes...  and that hopefully, it will be a quick and easy surgery because I've taken pretty good care of myself for a several years now...  and because, dammit, I am wonder woman, right?? RIGHT?? 

She also said I should be able to pick up my lyme treatment as soon as I’m able to quit taking pain medicines… so hopefully, if the laparoscopy is successful, I’ll be able to resume treatment within a week or two...  Keep your fingers crossed!!!! EEEEK!

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck with the surgery !!! Hopefully you'll get the relief you need with minimal discomfort ♥
