Friday, April 24, 2015

beginning again

It's official! I'm starting treatment again on Monday. There will be a few tweaks starting out.... smaller doses at first, and we're trading out one of the medications for a different one less likely to cause digestive issues. So I'm working on getting myself back into that mode again. Thankfully, my tummy has continued to respond well to the new probiotics, and after the trials and tribulations following the last attempt to start treatment, I'm feeling geared up and much more confident (of course, Monday morning may be an entirely different story!). We think that the Flagyl I was taking for potential C Diff may have knocked out some Lyme cysts, and between that and a Meyer's Cocktail IV last week (an infusion of high doses of magnesium, calcium, and B vitamins) and getting out for more walks with the warmer weather, and taking a yoga for chronic pain class, I have been feeling pretty good. While I certainly do have intensely challenging days, it's all relative, and I am happy to share that I've noticed several of my symptoms greatly reduced. I don't really know what to expect next week as far as herxing goes, but I have been putting several daily detoxing rituals in place, so I'm hoping it will be manageable. The uncertainty of what's to come is not (atleast in THIS moment) worrying me..... (knock on wood!).

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