Thursday, April 30, 2015

week 1

I'm not going to lie. It's been a rough week. The first day was effortless... but when we added in azithromycin to the antibiotic mix, my tummy went south again. Still could be herxing... because honestly, I'm having plenty of that. I've been revisited by every symptom I've ever had this week, but so far it's manageable. Muscle cramping has been mild, burny skin hasn't been too bad... the worst things are the fuzzy head that makes it really hard to think straight, the fatigue, and weakness in my hands and a sore neck, which has kept me off of the computer for the most part.... (which is good, because I needed to take a step back from all of the devastating world events this week). I kind of feel like I have a moderate flu... achey all over, tired, a bit nauseous... not too bad, but not great either. Also, my emotions are blatantly right on the surface, so it's kind of like a perpetual pms. Fun! What makes it all tolerable is knowing the little lyme monsters are dying off.... which sounds vicious even to me. Reminds me of a yoga teacher I once had.... she'd swat at mosquitos and flies that would make their way into our classroom, and in such a sweet way would whisper, "Be free! Be free!".... so yeah. Be free, lymies, be free! (I'm starting this blog today, and that will be the name!!!). I find the most challenging part is giving this process SO.MUCH.ENERGY. There's really not much room for spontaneity. The timing of the antibiotics and the supplements and the probiotics has to be precise-- otherwise they all mingle and make one another less effective. I have timers/reminders on my phone for everything, as every couple of hours, there's something I have to take. Also, I have to constantly listen in on what my body needs... which sometimes means detox baths or naps in the middle of the day, at the risk of having no energy for school pick-up... it sometimes means gentle yoga and stretching when I'm feeling all tensed up... it sometimes means short walks to get the ya-yas out... it sometimes means staying off of the computer and doing artwork or reading a book instead. What's crazy is that these are needs we should all be able to honor, but after years of creating and growing my own business, it's so hammered into me that I must do, do, do... that even with something like this, I have to have something to show for it. Oy! Due to the tummy troubles, I was planning to go in to the lab and be tested for C Diff this morning, but my digestion has improved just enough that it would make the test not do-able. So that's good news in that it's likely NOT my problem! Began 2 days of Flagyl today, which will help in killing off any lyme cysts (when the antibiotics begin, often the lyme will freak out and create cysts in the body to hide out in), and we may take the azithromycin out of tomorrow's antibiotic doses... I will also go in for safety labs tomorrow morning. And then it will be the weekend, and for two days, I can hopefully pretend to be normal again. ;) Next week will be similar to this week, and then the week after, I'll be able to take a week off of treatment before beginning round 2. So there you have it. I'm about to head off for a short and sweet walk around the lake...

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