Monday, May 25, 2015

onto round two!

Now that we know which antibiotic was giving me tummy trouble a few weeks back and have replaced it with something that seems to be much easier on me, we've decided to begin this next 3-week round with a bang and up the ante a bit this week with treatment. We're doubling up on the Ceftin and I will now be taking the Septra twice a day versus just once on our Monday, Wednesday, Friday treatment schedule.

I'll be honest. It was a rough morning. I was quick to herx, which is evidently pretty normal at this stage of the game when adding in more stuff. An hour or so after I ate and took my meds, the nausea kicked in. I somehow escaped getting sick, after sitting on the floor next to the toilet for a little while....  I sensed into my body and decided that I needed some protein, so I got some turkey bacon in the oven, and Noah made me a hardboiled egg. And with that, the nausea passed, with only a few smaller and much milder episodes since.

Noah and I spent much of the morning snuggled up together on the couch. I was a little out of it-- otherwise, I may not have let him watch "Naked Gun." Tee hee. Remember that movie? Oh my. While hugely inappropriate for an almost 12-year-old on soooo many levels, atleast we both got to giggle some. And giggles are always, ALWAYS healing.

My biggest complaint is the pain in my legs. Mostly in my left leg today...  it's an intense, dull ache that worsens when standing still or sitting. So this is going to be another one of those really short blogposts so that I can go and be horizontal again. Which sucks. Because I feel like I have a lot to say today. There's a lot going on in my noggin. I want to write desperately.  And there's also a fresh new piece of paper up on my easel, ready for me to dive in and add some color....  maybe tomorrow...

Round 2 of the "induction" phase:
Monday, Wednesday, & Friday:  Minocin (100mg), Ceftin (1000mg), & Septra-- [all 2x a day]
Thursday & Friday:  Flagyl (500mg 2x a day)


  1. Oh how I feel your frustrations. Last year when my back went out I had to spend way too much time on my back. I did figure out a way to crochet laying down and could use my laptop by propping it with pillows :) Saved my sanity :)

  2. Yeah, Carol.... last night did give me the opportunity to experiment with pillows, that's for sure! Here's to creative ways of letting our creative muse shine... :)
